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Monday, July 9, 2012

Easing heel pain

Considering just how often we are on our feet, it's small wonder our heels are prone to all types of pain. But don't just sit on ,it-get up and get your heel pain diagnosed and treated.
Your heel pain may have started days, weeks or even months ago. At first, you may have felt a dull ache that didn't last.
But now, you may feel intense pain every day.
For some people, heel pain worsens as the day goes on. For others, it's a sharp jab that strikes every time the heel touches the ground.
Heel pain may be the worst when you get out of bed in the morning, causing you to hobble for a few steps or a few minutes. In any case, heel pain can make standing or walking unbearable.
Heel pain is a common problem that troubles people of all age.
It can be caused by the way your feet move, or by the way your legs and feet are built.
It can also result from an injury or a medical problem that affects your entire body. For many people, heel pain is part of aging.
It shows up after your feet have supported you through the years of daily wear and tear.

Your foot is made up of many parts that work together to support your body and carry its weight. Many of these parts come together at your heel-the intersection of the ankle and foot. When your heel guides the movement of these parts correctly, you can stand, walk, run and jump without pain.
Each part of your foot plays a role in supporting you. Together, these parts form a working system that results in movement.
• Bones form the framework that gives your feet shape.
• Joints are the meeting points between bones that allow your feet to bend and move.
• Muscles are bundles of fibers that power movement.
• Tendons are cords of tissue that attached muscle to bone.
• Ligaments are simi lar to tendons and hold--bones together, forming joints.
• Nerves relay signals between your brain and your feet.
• Bursas are sacs filled with fluid that help reduce friction.
As you walk, your heel moves, changing the tension on ligaments and tendons. With the proper heel movement, walking is easy.
As your foot hits the ground, the tissues are relaxed and impact is absorbed. As the tissues tighten, they pull on bones and joints, locking the working parts of your feet into the heel-off position.
Ligament and tendons (Examples : plantar fasciitis, tendinitis)
If your heel moves too much or too little, it can cause other parts of your foot to function incorrectly. Over time, stress from poor foot function can stretch or tear the ligaments or tendons in your heel. In some people, the constant demands of daiIy use are enough to weaken these tissues. Other factors include being overweight, and a direct blow or sudden twist.
Bone (heel spurs, Sever's disease, Haglund's deformity- stressfracture) 
When incorrect heel movement strains tissue, it also increases stress on the bones in your heel and ankle. Over time, excess strain may change the structure of your foot, causing damage and heel pain. In addition, injury from a di rect blow or the effects of arthritis can damage bones (and joints), causing pain.
Nerves (tarsal tunnel syndrome, plantar nerve entrapment low back problems)
Nerves are bundles of special fibers that act like electric wires, passing signals between your brain and your feet. When a nerve is pinched by inflamed tissue or a swollen vein, some or all of the signals cannot travel their complete route. As a result, you may feel pain, numbness or tingling in your heel. Even a nerve pinched in your back may send abnormal signals (referred pain) to your heel.
To find the root of your problem, your doctor will ask about your medical history while examining your feet. Your answers offer clues to the cause of your heel pain.
If you've had similar pain before or if another part of your body also hurts, tell your doctor.
Many causes of heel pain produce similar symptoms, so you may have special tests to confi rm diagnosis, such as x-rays, magnetic resonance imaging (MRl) and computerized tomography (CT).
Once the underlying problem is identified, your doctor will develop a treatment plan that may consist of the following:
  • Immediate care to relieve symptoms
  • Specific treatment for the cause of your pain
  • Preventive care to help keep your problem from recurring
Depending on your problem, your doctor may recommend one or more types of the following treatments:

Your doctor may suggest certain medications to control pain, such as COX-2 specific inhibitor (celecoxib, for instance). In prescription dosages, these medications can provide effective pain control and reduce inflammation, but with fewer astrointestinal side effects.

Physical therapy
Your docctor may recommend ultrasound, deep heat or water therapy. These forms of physical therapy all increase circulation and aid in healing bone, joint and tissue problems. Exercises to stretch and strengthen the tissues in your feet may also be helpful.
Straps of tape can be applied to reduce the pull on tissues and help support bones and joints. Strapping may improve foot function, thereby reducing pain and swelling. You can also check with a podiatrist (a foot care special ist) to determine if wearing custommade shoe inserts (orthoses) can be helpful. For some people with movement problems or uneven leg length, orthoses provide the most lasting results.
Foot gear
Wearing footgear that meets your needs can improve the way your feet feel. Shoes
with laces, such as running shoes, provide some side-to-side support. Pumps or cowboy boots take stress off the Achilles tendon, reducing the pull on your heel bone.
To increase bone and joint support, try footgear with a rigid arch, such as a walking shoe.
In some cases, surgery offers the best solution. Surgery may be suggested to release
tight ligaments or pinched nerves.
It may also be performed to smooth sections of bone.
Most surgery is done in a hospital or surgery center on an outpatient basis. Before scheduling a surgical procedure, ask your doctor about the risks and benefits treatment.


Monday, March 19, 2012

About high arch and flat arch

Researchers have found that 7% of those who suffer from chronic foot complications have misaligned arches and skeletal structure problems. We are unaware of how harmful a misaligned arch is, especially when it is asymptomatic or when we are young. Years of ignorance and neglect could cause a series of health problems to surface, including basic actions such as standing.
 High Arch

Also known as pes cavus, is a condition in which the arch is distinctly hollow. A person with high arch will have an abnormal external rotation. Their body weight is more centralized at outer part of their feet, whilst the calcaneal heel is tilted inward.

Flat Arch

Flat foot, also known as ‘platypodia’, is a condition in which characterized by the flattening of the medial longitudinal arch (inside foot arch). This causes the excessive internal rotation (over pronation) in order to maintain one’s stability. Therefore, the body weight of one with flat foot is more concentrated on the inner part of the legs.


Sunday, March 4, 2012



6) 長時間開車(和摩多車族症候群)
7) 側邊背書包
8) 打電腦時間過長
9) 穿高跟鞋


Sunday, July 31, 2011

Good arch (Chinese)


請問!您了解!  您的骨架如何保養?













汽車輪胎.人的足弓地基長期磨損: 如同建築物地基歪斜: 1F的門不好關(膝關節) 2F的窗戶不好拉(腰椎) 2F~3F的水管會漏水(胸椎) 3F~4F的電線會跳電(頸椎)



嚴重的膝關節退化      接受全關節置換手術後



1.坐骨神經是所有神經中最 長 最 粗 的 神 經 , 它 沿 著 臀 部 、 大 腿 後 部 一 直 伸 展 至 小 腿 及 足 底 部 ,甚至可長達一公尺,是由第四、五腰椎及第一、二、三薦椎神經根所組成的一條神經。




























3.脊椎側彎、縮腰、大S型腰椎、凸腹駝背長期骨架歪斜, 壓迫神經傳導引起的各種臟器問題更是嚴重. (例如:心臟病、氣喘、糖尿病、高血壓、腎臟病等)















3.還是用對的方法: 長期+耐心?










二: 神經傳導示範(30秒鐘有效)


2.當足弓正 膝關節正 骨盆正 脊椎正,影響全身的骨架排列,進而使脊髓縫細不受壓迫,而使神經傳導系統良好,而能發揮人體本身應有的本能.









5.補充骨關節必要之營養素: 水解膠原蛋白、軟骨素、葡萄糖胺、鈣、玻尿酸等重要成份




3. GoodARCH目前已有:台灣、中國、 韓國、曰本 、馬、新、泰、菲、印尼等世界多國專利与申請中的專利


1.矯正足弓: (平衡示範-1秒鐘有效)











6.產銷一體:專利研發 生產製造 銷售服務為一體,產品品質與服務對消費者有保障











1.鞋子是舞台, 一般市售的鞋子在製作設計時,沒有考慮放足弓腳正器








4.或選擇最自然的方法-正確的足弓地地基來走路,不吃藥、不開刀、不打針,來鞏固您的足部地基, 調整骨骼構造,恢復人本來就有的功能(長期使用、簡單方便、不用考驗耐心)

健康是一種觀念、 一種覺醒

1.聰明的人顧身體 ! 愚笨的人顧財產 !顧到的是別人的 ! 只有病痛自己的 !






Monday, February 14, 2011

What is Far Infrared Ray?

Far infrared ray is a wave light energy that is emitted naturally from the sun, which is totally invisible to the naked eye. The most beneficial wavelength is between 4-14 microns, which is known as light of Life.

• It is similar to the 'chi' energy found in humans.
The far infrared ray is widely used in medical industries for muscle pain, scald, scar, high blood pressure, headache, asthma and problems related to blood vessels with its function of promote blood circulation.

According to a research from Taiwan, it is proven that far infrared ray is able to promote blood circulation. Besides, the researchers infer that far infrared ray will minimize the risk of cancer, and they are doing .the further investigation on this issue.

The human body can release the far infrared ray with 50%-65%. A master 'Chi' is able to release above 70% and the illness patient is only about 30%. A far infrared ray product with the release of above 78% will only have the effectiveness to the human body. GoodARCH far infrared & negative ion Health Guard can average release 88%-91% based on the lab test.

Far infrared ray is widely used in health care, with the following functions:

1. Promote blood circulation: High temperature dilates the blood vessels.

2. Regulate blood pressure: Minimize the contraction of blood vessels.

3. Release joints pain: Relax the muscle and release discomfort with the heat energy.

4. Regulate nerves system: The heat energy will release tension.

5. Beauty care: Far infrared ray penetrate through skin and prevent aging.

6. Bum fat: Far infrared ray penetrate into human body and bum fat.

7. Strengthen the liver function: The regulation of nerves system strengthen the liver functions.


Friday, February 11, 2011

Exercise eases pain of arthritis

Exercise should be more strongly promoted as a first line treatment for arthritis, say rheumatologists.

There is now clear evidence that, exercise can reduce the symptoms of knee and hip osteoarthritis and efforts should focus on ensuring it is routinely prescribed and adhered to.

The strongest evidence exists for using both strengthening and aerobic exercise to reduce pain and improve function, particularly in the knee, they said.
There is also good evidence that improved muscle strength could reduce the progression of osteoarthritis of the hip and knee.

Consultant rheumatologist said exercise was a key component in managing patients with osteoarthritis and we really should be pushing this much more strongly. It definitely reduces pain. You can see people build up the muscles and have their pain reduce because it is changing the loading of the knee. We recommend their patients start slowly and build up their aerobic exercise with walking, stationary cycling or water aerobics, combined with some strengthening exercises. If they started to develop pain, shall refer to a physiotherapist or rheumatologist to investigate.


Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Corrective Arch Support

Wrong                        Correct

Researchers have found that 87% of those who suffer from chronic foot complications have misaligned arches and skeletal structure problems. We are unaware of how harmful a misaligned arch is, especially when it is asymptomatic or when we are young. Years of ignorance and neglect could cause α series of health problems to surface, including basic actions such as standing.

Race to Success. The Swift-footed arrive first

- A flexible and agile foot - arch is an essential condition to be the first to reach the summit of success.-
Human being is a unique species among the living things. When most creatures on earth were still moving around on their four limbs in order to balance their huge skeletal structure, our far-end ancestors, the primates, were already less dependent on their front limbs, which were meant for agile mobility on the trees.
They were standing on their hind limbs, which support the entire body weight, in an upright position. While standing upright has become a norm, the front limbs which were now devoid of its function of movements, have slowly evolved into a pair of arms that are more apt at grasping, and more agile and flexible. This evolution of a fine mastery of the arms has caused humans to greatly differ from other gigantic, four-legged animals. Nevertheless, the upright position in the living style and the unique and finely structured skeleton of human beings are the main causes of many" diseases of civilization" in the modern age.

 Thomas Edison, the great American inventor of the last century, has once said:"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but instead will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of diseases." His words may not be lengthy, but carries a profound meaning. Many would adopt a simple philosophy towards all kinds of diseases they are suffering- to treat the head if one has a headache and to treat the feet if one has foot problems! However, taking precautionary steps against a disease, tackling it at the root-cause and preventing a relapse is definitely a wiser approach.
Only a few people realize that many sorts of body discomfort such as stiff neck, backache, pain on the knee joints and the heel bones, can actually be attributed to insufficient and improper care of the fundamental foot-arch. As any high- rise building needs a solid foundation, likewise, anyone who desires a healthy body should begin with taking proper care of one's foot-arch. Why so? The answer is simple: Because the foot-arch affects greatly on one's health.

Before man got used to wearing shoes, his feet had direct contact with the ground. The uneven surface of the ground served as the most natural way of foot-massaging, hence soothing the vital reflex points. The grass and plants in the nature and stones on the ground also released energies of far infrared rays and negative ions that promote blood circulation, directly benefiting the body.

However, due to the changes as time advances, man starts wearing shoes of all types and fashions. Without careful consideration, many have opted for unfitting foot wear, causing the feet to grow out of shape. The uneven surface of the ground has now been replaced with tarred roads, and high-rise buildings have occupied lands which in the past were full of plants and flowers. Stream of modernization has claimed a greater price far beyond the advantages and progress that civilization has brought to human society. That is what we call the "diseases of civilization': In other words, many common health problems have surfaced due to the gradual lack of the natural massage and toning of the feet, which in a long term, causes the feet to grow out of shape, frame misalignment and pressured nervous system due to twisted spine. These are the culprits of many kinds of body discomfort.

The shape of a foot-arch resembles that of an arch-bridge which serves as the foundation of our movements such as standing, walking and jumping. A human skeleton consists of 206 pieces of bones, of which 52 pieces, nearly a quarter of the total, are structured on a pair of the foot-arches. The entire weight of the body is supported by the foot arches, which act as a shock-

absorber. When one walks, the foot-arches provide the appropriate elasticity and twisting force while absorbing the reacting force from the ground so that the feet are adaptive to various surfaces to serve the purpose of weight-shedding.

Statistics show an average man living up to 80 years will make a journey of 185,000 kilometers throughout his life. This is equivalent to the distance of rounding the world four times. Such a long journey is solely dependent on the two tiny pieces of arches! So have you started considering how to take proper care of your foot-arches?

With the advancement in science and technology, each of us is striving for good health in a way which best suits the individual. In today's world when time is money, one need to have an agile and flexible foot-arch in order to win the race. To acquire such a healthy foot-arch, one needs to learn how to take good care of it. A holistic approach to healthcare that meets five basic criteria of safety, effectiveness, no side-effects, convenience and durability is definitely the smartest choice you can consider.

The agility and brainpower we've gained since our ancestors stood up on two feet haven't come without evolutionary trade-offs: a plethora of aches and pains that make it hard to be human.

-National Geographic (July 2006)

GoodARCH Nano Far Infrared

Corrective Arch Support

Realign Arches

It realigns the 52 bones in our feet so that they can bear the weight of our body, thus reducing stress on our spine and joints.

Regulates Neural System

It corrects abnormal curvature of spine which in turn clears blockages in nerve impulse transmission, regulates the nervous system and enhances function of internal organs.

Nano Materials

Far infrared ray improves blood circulation and promotes metabolism. Negative ion increases oxygen levels and immune system, release pressure and enhances quality of sleep. Silver nano kills bacteria. These are also known as "nature's life enhancing particles".

Foot Reflexology
It massages the vital reflex point (Yong Quan) on our feet which are closely linked to major organs including the brain. This balances our Yin and Yang and as assist us in growth, procreation and ageing.

About Us
In year 2002, Professor Hsieh Chin Hsing led the Research and Development team of Jun Da Biotechnology Co. Ltd, a subsidiary of Taiwan Homeway Technology Group' to design and develop GoodARCH, a range of corrective arch support products using nano far-infrared technology. This revolutionary product with a unique brand has created a business that transcends national boundaries and built a strong network and bond among our business partners who come from across the globe.
"Holistic with scientific approach of health-care" is the marketing philosophy set by Professor Hsieh and Archright (M) Sdn Bhd founder and managing director Mr. Soh Ken Tick to enable everyone to have a healthy, stress free and happy lifestyle. At Archright, our unique marketing policy, backed by high quality products, offers a way to gain good health and a business opportunity for you as well.
"Reliable, Professional, Service, Innovative, Everlasting" these are the attributes that we hold on to. We promise not only a unique brand but also the best after-sale service that gives our customers the benefits beyond their money's worth.
We believe that a strong philosophy and a unique brand are like good seeds sown on fertile soil. Through word of mouth, news about a good product spreads fast. Today our customers come not only from Malaysia but from across South-East Asia, too. Our agents are based in many parts of the country as well as overseas.
The company's top priority is to serve our customers and satisfy their needs. All our agents undergo a series of training and professional certification so that we can provide the best service especially in dealing with difficulties faced by customers. Their hard work, together with the company's leadership, has brought manifold increase in sales over the years. This is a testimony that our business philosophy is able to drive us to success and make us the leading player in the market.
Within a few years, Archright (M) Sdn Bhd as the primary base of Homeway Technology Group in its international business development strategy has expanded from a service centre office to a building. We also have three branches throughout Malaysia, a sister company in Singapore and 15 authorized distributors under our umbrella. The growth of Archright in this region is like a seedling that grows and spreads out its roots and branches under sunshine and storm, becoming stronger each day
As the headquarters for Archright in South East Asia, we are always planning ahead and seizing eve 叩 opportunity to propel the business to greater heights. Currently we are gearing up to enter the markets in Thailand, Indonesia and Hong Kong. With our patented product of superior quality, we present a holistic approach to healthcare that is safe, effective, without side effects, user-friendly and durable so that many may enjoy happiness and a fulfillment in life.

Far Infrared

The continuous and large-scale development of industry and agriculture in today's world, the increase in world population destroying heavily the vegetation of the forests, and air pollution thinning the atmosphere, all these have allowed the harmful rays of the sun to directly pose threats to our health, giving way to all kinds of diseases. Nonetheless, rays of the sun can be classified into the visible rays and the non-visible rays. The visible rays when refracted by a prism will produce the colours of the spectrum which consists of purple, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red.
The outer- field of the red ray is non-visible. It has a wavelength of 0.75-1000 micron, known as the far-infrared. Sun rays with the wavelength in the range of 4-14 micron is known by scientists as "the ray of life". This range of wavelength is similar to the far-infrared wavelength emitted by the human body. It can produce the most effective resonance in the water molecules of an organism. Its penetration enhances the effective growth in animals and plants alike. Scientists of the modern age have confirmed a "qigong" master is able to elevate his body energy when doing his breathing exercise. The frequency of energy emitted from the palm of a "qigong" master is 4 micron, and such wavelength falls into the range of the far-infrared. Therefore, the far-infrared is also known as the "qi”.
There are numerous natural sources of the far-infrared ray, such as the planets in the universe, the sun, the oceans and mountains and the soils of the earth. They can emit different degrees of far-infrared. The far-infrared is among other sun rays the most capable of penetrating the skin and its subcutaneous tissues. The infiltration of the "ray of life" into the body will result in the atomic and molecular resonance of the human cells. Through the resonant absorption, molecular friction produces heat and the formation of thermal reaction causes a rise in temperature in the hypoderm, thus resulting in micro-vascular expansion improving blood circulation. This will help to remove harmful effects to metabolism, revive tissue cells, promote enzyme production in order to achieve activation of tissue cells, prevent ageing and boost our immune system. Therefore, the far-infrared is functioning in improving and preventing diseases caused by poor blood circulation and micro-circulation blockages. Infrared for the blood circulation and microcirculation caused by various diseases all have to improve and control role.
Above all that has been mentioned, scientific research shows that thermal reaction produced by far-infrared through the resonant absorption of the human body will function in these areas:
• Promotes and improves blood circulation

• Regulates blood pressure and autonomic nervous

• Enhances metabolism system

• Improves immune functions

• Reduces fat and strengthens the liver function

• Anti-inflammatory, relieves swelling

• Skin beauty

• Relieves joint pain

Vitamin in the air

Anion (Negative Ion)

When anion is mentioned, people will immediately form the idea of "something good to health". In fact, there is a large amount of anion I in nature and in the recent years, anion seems to have become an advertising buzzword. As everyone knows, most people are not fully aware of the negative ions, not to mention its benefits for healthy living.
Ion are short-lived elements, usually for a few dozens of minutes. The density of negative ion, which is also known as anion, in the air is very much dependant on the unique condition of the geographical environment. When the anions in the air are inhaled into the lungs and get into the metabolism. That is why when we are in the suburb, waterfall or the jungle area, we will feel relaxed and refreshed. This is because of the freshness of the air we inhale.

The discovery and application of anion can be traced back as early as the nineteenth century. The first scientist to disclose at an international academic conference the benefits of negative ions to the human body is the German physicist, Dr. Philip Leonard. In his view, the highest density of anions in nature is to be found at the surroundings of the waterfall. According to scientific research, anion is one of the essential elements to all organism. Generally, an average person needs approximately 13 billion anions a day while our modern living environment, offices or the entertainment places can only provide 1-2 billion. The reason is that not only the synthetic fibre and carpets have the positive charges that neutralize the anions, the concrete and the fibre flooring are also prone to absorb anions in the air.
Due to the worsening of air pollution and environment contamination each day, anion, the "vitamin of the air", plays an indispensable role in the general health of our lives. Anions have the following positive effects on human health:-
• Relieve muscle soreness . Eliminate free radicals

• Transform an acidic body to mild alkaline . Improve air quality, purify the air

• Improve quality of sleep, help to relax . Raise the oxygen level in the body

Our Glory
The 5th Asia Pacific International Honesty Enterprise - Keris Award

Archright Marketing Sdn Bhd was granted the 5th Asia Pacific International Honesty Enterprise- Keris Award on Jan 2007.

The Keris Award aims to establish an entrepreneur model of integrity.

The prize is awarded with a high degree of business ethics, in recognition of corporate sincerity, fair competition and responsible spirit of service.

SME Recognition Award

 SMI Association of Malaysia organizes the SME Recognition Award. This coveted and highly praised business award strives to honor all creme-de-Ia-creme SMEs with unique winning quality and to enhance their intellectual property while reinforcing brand image in the global market space based on the understanding and respectable status of SMI Association of Malaysia among the SMEs.
Product Excellence Award 2009

This is bestowed on non-listed SMEs that commercialize and produce outstanding made-in-Malaysia products in the market place.

Rising Star 2008

This is bestowed on young SMEs which have displayed great potential to become successful players in local and international marketplace. They are companies that are on the verge of a break-through and will become successful, when given the necessary financial support, guidance and nurturing.

The 8th Asia Pacific International Entrepreneur Excellence Award 2009- Excellence Service Quality

On July 2009, Archright Marketing Sdn Bhd received the Eighth Asia-Pacific International Entrepreneur Excellence Award- Excellence Service Award. This annual internationally reputable summit will witness both domestic and foreign enterprises which had successfully overcome the market downturn and financial crisis and achieved competitive market position.

The 5th Global Emerging Knowledge Organization Award 2009

It Is the 1 st and THE ONLY Global Recognition Award for Emerging Knowledge-based and Innovation-driven Organizations that is conceptualized and instituted in MALAYSIA for the GLOBAL COMMUNITY.

It is recognizing Organisations that adopt a structured roadmap to pioneer, sustain and innovate The Practice of Knowledge Management (POKM) to achieve significant performance and competitive advantage. Knowledge management plays an important role and has becomes essential to ensure the smooth communication in the company. As facing problems, the frequently matters raised directory become the guidelines and the shared information reduced the repeated mistakes. After going through professional training and actual organizational practice, the company was audited and awarded the prestigious Global Emerging Knowledge Organization Award 2009.

First to be grαnted a patent certificate of the same category by the Malaysian Registrar of Patents. It is α Far-Infra-red Foot Contour correcting Device for Amelioration of Foot Arch, Promoting Health and Improving Blood Circulation.

Sincere Expression

Come and have your arches and weight distribution free examined.

Experience for yourself this great product of bio-mechanic.

For more information, please contact:

Ms. SY Teoh
H/P : 019-5748162
Email : usercare@goodnews2u.info


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